Mission & Vision

Millions of companion animals die unnecessary deaths in shelters each year. We are working to end this.


Our mission is to end the urgent crisis facing shelter animals by helping save the millions of dogs, cats, and other potential pets needlessly being killed across the country each year.


A world in which all shelter animals are valued and given a true chance at life.

We believe our role in this movement is to be an innovative and trusted leader in creating a world where shelters have the tools, resources and knowledge necessary to be safe havens for animals until their families are found.

Together, we can end the unnecessary deaths of shelter animals.

Positioning Statement

While we understand American Pets Alive!'s mission to be long-term, communities need to be empowered with proven solutions to help them take action and institute change now. AmPA! believes the needless deaths of shelter animals is a crisis that demands immediate attention and resolution – and that we already have the solutions necessary to do that. Animals deserve a legitimate chance at life and innovation in animal shelters is necessary for providing this basic right. People are the solution and we have the proven methods that communities need to save lives at risk in their area immediately.

We also know that this mission not only benefits the animals of any community, but also the people – it helps us move towards more truly humane and advanced societies, with clear positive economic impacts.