
What is American Pets Alive!?

What does American Pets Alive! do?

Where is American Pets Alive! located?

Is American Pets Alive! a shelter or rescue?

Is there a place where I can talk to others looking to learn more about No Kill best practices, too?

Does American Pets Alive! want to work with my community even if we aren’t close to saving all the homeless pets?

Can I get advice or help directly from American Pets Alive!’s experts?

Who can I reach out to if my local rescue or shelter is experiencing a crisis in which lives are at-risk?

Is American Pets Alive! a resource for saving cats, too?

How can I help American Pets Alive!?

Does American Pets Alive! have sponsorship opportunities?

What are American Pets Alive!’s funding sources?

Are donations tax-exempt?

What is #TeamTexas?

Does American Pets Alive! only serve Texas shelters and rescues?


What is the American Pets Alive! Conference?

Where and when is the American Pets Alive! Conference?

Who should attend the American Pets Alive! Conference?

Are there sponsorship or exhibitor opportunities at the conference?

What will I learn at the American Pets Alive! Conference?

How do I register for the American Pets Alive! Conference?

Can I get a refund for my American Pets Alive! Conference registration?

Can I transfer my registration to someone else?

Does pricing go up as we get closer to the conference dates?

Can I see past presentations from the American Pets Alive! Conference?

Can I attend tours of Austin Pets Alive! or Austin Animal Center?

Where do I park for the conference?

Where should I stay in Austin?

Maddie’s Learning Academy

What is Maddie’s Learning Academy?

Who is Maddie’s Learning Academy for?

What is Maddie’s Fund®?

Where is Maddie’s Learning Academy?

What types of professional learning experiences does Maddie’s Learning Academy offer?

Is Maddie’s Learning Academy free?

How do I get to Austin?

Where should I stay in Austin?

Who teaches the Maddie’s Learning Academy apprenticeships?